Class of 1970
Truesdell Trojans
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Truesdell Junior High
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Truesdell Junior High School was named after Benjamin William Truesdell who was an administrator at Wichita High School East and was superintendent of schools for Sedgwick County. While at East High he was affectionately referred to as "Uncle Benny."
Truesdell was constructed in 1955, and classes were first held on September 7, 1956. Hibbs, Robinson and Pettit were architects for the building which had a capacity of 750. Dedication services were held November 11, 1956.
As various areas south of the city were annexed, the enrollment increased, and by 1962, Truesdell had 16 portable units.
In 1960, a decision was made that the original Truesdell building and the Rea Woodman Elementary School next door would be connected and combined to serve as a junior high facility. In addition to physically connecting the two adjoining buildings by corridors, a science wing, industrial arts rooms, a boys physical education facility and a second dining area were constructed to complete the present structure. The capacity of the building was increased to 1,800. A new Rea Woodman school was constructed at 2500 Hiram.
In 1982, a library addition was added with additional remodeling for the administrative office center. Air conditioning was a consideration and was added to the new portion of the structure at the same time.
In the fall of 1988, all ninth graders were moved to high schools leaving seventh and eighth graders. In the fall of 1989, all junior high schools became middle school (6-8).
The addition of the physically handicapped program to the building in 1991 caused extensive remodeling of the facility to bring it up to full handicapped accessibility. Other improvements in the facility were the replacement of 800 lockers in 1993, boys locker room lockers in 1994, and bleacher replacement in the gold gym in 1992.
Curriculum changes in 1990 saw an alteration in the physical plant as classrooms were remodeled to accommodate the technical education program. The home economics rooms were converted in 1995 through remodeling to accommodate a curriculum change to implement the life management laboratory.
Truesdell celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2005-2006 with a number of events culminating in a community celebration on Sunday, April 23, 2006. A book reflecting the history of Truesdell (Junior High) Middle School was published and available for sale. T-shirts were designed to reflect the years a former (or present) student attended Truesdell as well as the years staff had served at the school. For a number of staff, they marked the years they spent here as a student as well as their tenure as a staff member. Tradition is alive at our school as we have had three generations of families attend Truesdell!
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