Marion Colgan Bickerstaff

Profile Updated: October 12, 2014
Marion Colgan
Residing In: Mesa, AZ USA
Occupation: LPN
Children: David, born Jan. 1976 married to Katy and has 2 girls, Hannah and Josie and 1 son Cole. Michael married More…to Nikki, Born Dec 1976 father to Benjamin, Hyrum, Adam, Levi, and Angela, step-father to
Eli, Aubreauna, Ennikah, Ilisha, Olyvia. Philip, born 1978 married to Jennifer father to Philip Ian, Hope, and Hunter. Mary, born 1979 married to Frank and mother to Lindsey and Liam and Loghan.
Yes! Attending Reunion

Benjamin, Hannah, Lindsey, Hyrum, Adam, Josie, Ian, Levi, Hope, Angela, Cole, Hunter,Liam. Loghan and Step-grandchildren Eli, Aubreauna, Ennikah, Ilisha, Olyvia


I married Bryant Bickerstaff in 1975, had 4 children in 4 years, moved to Galesburg, Ill. in 1977 got my practical nursing certificate and worked mostly in LTC facilities, moved to Safford, Az in 1995 and divorced Bryant while living in that area. I moved to Mesa, Az and continued working as an LPN until Sept. 2009. I'm currently living in Galesburg, Il. again where I am on disability due to severe arthritis to my knees. Moved back to Mesa, Az. in August of 2014

School Story:

Most of you will probably not remember me because I was one of those extremely shy, quiet, kids that was largely ignored by most everyone.

What Elementary School (s) did you attend?

To many to remember. 5th and 6th grade in Eureka Elementary

What Junior High (s) did you attend?

Allison Jr. High

Least favorite memory?

The bullying. I was a shy, curly haired quiet girl, Who dressed differently because of religious standards.

What did you want to do or think you were going to do when you finished high school?

I thought I'd be a music teacher, turns out music is better a hobby than a profession for me.

Biggest thing you would do differently if you went back to your time at West High?

Speak up for myself more and care less about how others perceive me.

Where have you lived?

Kansas, Illinois, Arizona, Illinois, Arizona

If you don't live in the Wichita area, what do you miss the most? How often do you get back? What are your favorite things to do?

I miss being close to my family (aunt, cousins) I"ve been back to Wichita only once and it has changed so much I couldn't find my way around.

Famous or interesting people you have met:

I haven't met any famous people but I have met many interesting people along the way.

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